
Adyen Google Wallet Provisioning

Google Wallet In-App Provisioning enables cardholders to add their payment cards to Google Wallet directly from within your app. With this feature, cardholders can quickly and securely add their payment information to their Google Wallet, without having to manually enter their card details.

Get the Google Push Provisioning API

The Adyen Google Wallet Provisioning SDK has a transitive dependency on the Google Push Provisioning API (version 18.3.3).

The Google Push Provisioning API is not available publicly but can be provided by Adyen (ask your Adyen account manager) or requested from Google.

Once you have the API, the dependency must be made available to your development environment. This can be done via Maven Local by adding the files under your ~/.m2 directory or they can be hosted in an internal Maven repository if you have one.

Note: The Google Push Provisioning API should not be published in such a manner where it is made available publicly.

Get the Adyen SDK

Adyen Google Wallet Provisioning SDK is available on GitHub. Installation instructions can be found there.

System requirements

Before you start implementing the Adyen SDK, make sure that your system satisfies the following requirements:

In-app provisioning

With Google Wallet in-app provisioning, your cardholder can add their card directly from your app. During the in-app flow, the cardholder taps Add to Google Wallet and the provisioning process starts and finishes within your app providing a seamless flow.

The following diagram walks you through the in-app provisioning flow:

  1. Get activation data
  2. Initialize the provisioning client
  3. Check for a card to add to Wallet
  4. Provision the card

Get activation data

Before you start card provisioning, you must get activation data for the specified payment instrument.

  1. From your server, make a GET /paymentInstruments/{id}/networkTokenActivationData request and specify the id of the payment instrument in the path. To make this request, your API credential needs the following role:

    • Bank Issuing PaymentInstrument Network Token Activation Data role
     curl{id}/networkTokenActivationData \
     -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_BALANCE_PLATFORM_API_KEY' \
     -H 'content-type: application/json' \

    The response contains the sdkInput object that you need to initialize the provisioning service in the next step.

  2. Pass the sdkInput to your app.

Initialize the provisioning client

Initialize the CardProvisioning class that is used to check if the cardholder can add a payment card to their Google Wallet.

The CardProvisioning instance is initialized by calling the CardProvisioning.create() static method. Pass in the sdkInput value from step 1 and a function returning an Activity.

fun create(
        sdkInput: String,
        activityProvider: () -> Activity,
    ): CardProvisioningCreateResult


val result = CardProvisioning.create(
    { myProvisiioningActivity }
val cardProvisioning = when(result) {
    is CardProvisioningCreateResult.Success -> result.cardProvsioning
    is CardProvisioningCreateResult.Failed.GooglePayNotSupported -> throw Exception("Google Pay not supported")
    is CardProvisioningCreateResult.Failed.InvalidSdkInput -> throw Exception("Invalid sdk input")

The returned CardProvisioningCreateResult will provide an instance of CardProvisioning if successful or details of the error on failure.

The CardProvisioning class provides suspend functions which return when the requested operation has either completed or failed and return objects which can be queried for the request state.

Check for a card to add to Wallet

Call the canProvision() method of the CardProvisioning instance.

suspend fun canProvision(): CanProvisionResult

The value returned by the canProvision() method can be used to determine whether the Add card to Google Wallet button should be displayed or hidden.


val result = client.canProvision()
when(result) {
    is CanProvisionResult.CanBeProvisioned -> displayGoogleWalletButton()
    is CanProvisionResult.CannotBeProvisioned.AlreadyExistsInWallet -> hideGoogleWalletButton()
    is CanProvisionResult.CannotBeProvisioned.Error -> throw result.throwable
    is CanProvisionResult.CannotBeProvisioned.UnknownFailure -> throw Exception("Unknown failure")

Provision the card

When the user taps the Add card to Google Wallet button the following sequence of operations should be triggered:

  1. Call the createSdkOutput() method of the CardProvisioning instance to create the sdkOutput value.
    suspend fun createSdkOutput(): CreateSdkOutputResult
  2. From your back end, make a POST paymentInstruments/{id}/networkTokenActivationData request and pass the sdkOutput value to provision the payment instrument. The response contains the sdkInput object.
  3. Call the provision() method of the CardProvisioning instance, passing in the sdkInput value. This will trigger the Google provisioning flow and the function call will return the result of the provisioning request once the flow has completed.
    suspend fun provision(sdkInput: String, cardDisplayName: String, cardAddress: CardAddress): ProvisionResult


    val result = client.provision(sdkInput, "John Doe", CardAddress())
    when (result) {
     is ProvisionResult.Success -> handleProvisionSuccess(result)
     is ProvisionResult.Failure -> handleProvisionFailure(result)