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describeContents() - function in com.adyen.threeds2.customization.UiCustomization
deviceParameterBlockList(java.util.Set) - function in com.adyen.threeds2.util.AdyenConfigParameters.Builder
In case you do not wish to collect specific device parameters, you may specify these parameters here.
doChallenge(android.app.Activity,com.adyen.threeds2.parameters.ChallengeParameters,com.adyen.threeds2.ChallengeStatusHandler,int) - function in com.adyen.threeds2.Transaction
Initiates the 3DS Challenge Flow process.
doChallenge(android.app.Activity,com.adyen.threeds2.parameters.ChallengeParameters,com.adyen.threeds2.ChallengeStatusReceiver,int) - function in com.adyen.threeds2.Transaction
Initiates the 3DS Challenge Flow process.
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