Initialize a configuration builder with the required fields.
Alternative constructor that uses the context to fetch the user locale and use it as a shopper locale.
Initialize a configuration builder with the required fields and a shopper locale.
Set if you support credit cards.
Sets the supported authentication methods. Check AllowedAuthMethods for all the possible values.
Sets the allowed card networks. The allowed networks are automatically configured based on your account settings, but you can override them here. Check AllowedCardNetworks for all the possible values.
Set if you support prepaid cards.
Sets the amount of the transaction.
Set to true to request assurance details.
Sets the required billing address details.
Set to true if you require a billing address.
Sets the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code where the transaction is processed.
Set to true if you require an email address.
Default is false.
Set a GooglePayButtonStyling object for customization of the Google Pay button.
Sets the environment to be used by GooglePay. Should be either WalletConstants.ENVIRONMENT_TEST or WalletConstants.ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION.
Set the merchant account to be put in the payment token from Google to Adyen.
Sets the information about the merchant requesting the payment.
Sets the required shipping address details.
Set to true if you require a shipping address.
Sets if submit button will be visible or not.
Sets the status of the total price used.