Failure status codes.
Card already provisioned.
The client attempted to call a method from an API that failed to connect.
Tokenization failed because the device did not pass a compatibility check.
Provisioning canceled.
The connection was suspended while the call was in-flight.
The application is misconfigured.
The operation failed with no more detailed information.
createSdkOutput() has not been called prior to card provisioning.
An internal error occurred.
A blocking call was interrupted while waiting and did not run to completion.
The client attempted to connect to the service with an invalid account name specified.
The provided SDK Input string could not be parsed.
The specified token was found but was not in a legal state for the operation to succeed. For example, this can happen when attempting to select as default a token that is not in the state TOKEN_STATE_ACTIVE.
A network error occurred.
No active wallet.
An unexpected exception occurred.
Provisioning or wallet creation already in-progress for this card.
The connection timed-out while attempting to re-connect.
The connection timed-out while waiting for Google Play services to update.
There was a non-DeadObjectException RemoteException while calling a connected service.
Completing the operation requires some form of resolution.
The client attempted to connect to the service but the user is not signed in.
Timed out while awaiting the result.
The indicated issuer token ID does not match a token in the active wallet. This status can be returned by calls that specify an issuer token ID.
The TapAndPay API cannot be called by the current application. If you get this error, make sure you are calling the API using a package name and fingerprint that we have added to our allowlist.
The returned status code does not mop to any known status.